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Eminent Domain: From Biblical Times to the Present - September 2015


by D. 雷森年代. 格林

I: A Brief History of Eminent Domain:

A French jurist of the early 19th century, 梅林·德·杜埃, 声称最早的关于征用权的使用是在旧约的《现金网官网》中, which describes the acquisition of Naboth’s vineyard by King Ahab: “And Ahab spake unto Naboth, 说, give me thy vineyard, that I may have it for a garden of herbs, because it is near unto my house: and I will give thee for it a better vineyard than it; or, if it seem good to thee, I will give thee the worth of it in money.”[1] 然而, 进一步的检查显示,只有最初引用的行类似于征用权, 之后在《现金网官网》中发生的事情绝对不像我们所知道的征用权.

考虑到“条条大路通罗马”这句话,人们会认为罗马人是土地征用权的忠实信徒, 但高架沟渠和著名的笔直的军事道路通常都是在被征服的领土上铺设的,这些领土不是罗马公民的财产,而是属于政府的.[2]

Under the English feudal system, 所有的土地都是在承认君主最终所有权的权属下持有的.[3] The construction of a public improvement therefore did not involve the taking of property for compensation in its modern sense; highways were often simply laid out without compensation to anyone. The crown did have the royal prerogative of purveyance and preemption, i.e. 国王有权没收供王室使用的粮食, without the consent of the owner, and to pay for them at a fair valuation made by appraisers.[4] 然而,我们在美国对不动产的“征用权”概念.S. 在第一个美洲殖民地建立时,英国法律才刚刚出现雏形.[5] 因此, unlike in other subjects, English common law cases are not necessarily helpful on the subject. 英国人也使用更容易理解的术语“强制购买”,而不是“土地征用”.”

During the colonial period, 美国南部殖民地在很大程度上保留了铺设高速公路而不补偿土地所有者的做法.[6] 在维吉尼亚州,法律规定在公路案件中实行陪审团调查.[7] The interesting aspect of this process, which was called a “writ ad quod damnum,” was that although the matter was before a jury, it could be entirely ex parte, 也就是说,它可以在没有通知或参与的情况下进行, or even identifying the landowners in advance of the hearing.[8]

With American independence from Great Britain, each existing colony became a sovereign state, 并对其管辖范围内的人员和财产实行主权控制.[9]        New states joined the union with all the sovereign powers of the old ones.[10] Each one of the states now, at least theoretically, 对其管辖范围内的人员和财产的主权控制是否受其本国宪法的限制, 只扣除授予美国的权力和美国宪法禁止各州行使的权力.[11]

II: A Selection of Recent Virginia Cases Related to Eminent Domain:

a. Taking of property by 土地征用权, which resulted in parcel being landlocked, 没有产生对他人土地的使用权的默示授予吗.克利夫顿v. 威尔金森, 286 Va. 205, 211, 748 S.E.2d 372, 375, 2013 Va. LEXIS 97, *9, 2013 WL 4854351 (Va. 2013).

b. 原告辩称,它已通过明示保留获得了1938年由弗吉尼亚联邦在其权力下获得的财产的地役权 土地征用权, 是联邦转交给美国政府建造蓝岭公园大道的吗. 法院认为,地方法院没有错误地认定联邦获得了《现金网官网》中所描述的所有财产 谴责 请愿书, without reservation of the alleged easement, 因为在请愿书和州公路专员的报告中对财产的描述都没有提到这种地役权. 法院还认为,地区法院的裁决并不构成对州巡回法院确认命令的附带攻击 谴责 对联邦请愿书中所描述的财产和专员所确定的财产的价值进行审查,因为该决定仅构成对该命令范围的审查.Agape Motorcoach Retreat, LLC v. Brintle, 523 Fed. 附录. 第4卷第48卷第949页. Va. 2013).

c. 一名巡回法院法官驳回了被告以未能充分识别标题中的财产为由驳回谴责请愿书的部分动议, 声明“标题没有限制或排除谴责的有效作用。,尽管法院确实注意到,该财产在请愿书中有具体描述. 里士满市诉. 哈斯, 2013 Va. 圆形的. 里士满大街58号. Ct. 2013年6月18日).

d. 铁路公司在法庭上的抗辩和即决判决的动议被批准,因为财产所有者的要求被美国联邦法院49号裁定优先.S.C.S. §10501(b),争议铁路线自1890年以来一直在积极使用, 在业主的房产所在社区开发之前, 业主所指控的损害是由铁路运营直接造成的, 并根据所谓的副产品(如噪音)对铁路提出索赔, 振动, 以及在铁路自己的土地上进行常规和常规铁路运营的各种排放, 无论是作为妨害索赔还是弗吉尼亚州反谴责条款中的“财产损害”条款提出的, would unduly burden interstate commerce, significantly hinder the railroad's ability to function, and amount to impermissible state regulation of the railroad's operations. 先令v. 诺福克所以uthern Ry., 2015 Va. 圆形的. *1 (Va). 圆形的. Ct. June 15, 2015) (citing 诺福克所以. Ry. Co.—Petition for Declaratory Order,摘要编号. FD-35701, 2013 STB LEXIS 338 (Nov. 4, 2013)).

D. “罗斯”罗斯. 格林 is part of 现金网官网 & 现金网官网’s Eminent Domain practice group. He is AV-Rated (“Preeminent”) in Eminent Domain, 诉讼和房地产由Martindale-Hubbell同行评审评级系统. He has also been named one of Virginia’s Legal Elite. For more information, call (757) 502-7333 or send an email to


[1] 1-1 Nichols on Eminent Domain § 1.21; 1 Kings 21 (KJV).

[2] Id.

[3] 1-1 Nichols on Eminent Domain § 1.21.

[4] Id.

[5] 1-1 Nichols on Eminent Domain § 1.22.

[6] Id.

[7] 1-1 Nichols on Eminent Domain § 1.22日(引用 斯托克斯v. 上阿波马托克斯公司., 3 Leight (Va) 318.).

[8] 看到id.; 1-1 Nichols on Eminent Domain § 1.21

[9] 1-1 Nichols on Eminent Domain § 1.23

[10] Id.

[11] 看到id.